Monday, August 4, 2008

Bloomington, mn. Acne scar removal and medicne on how to rid of acne

In women, oral contraceptives can also be used in acne treatment. The oral contraceptives help by suppressing the overactive sebaceous glands. Contraceptives can be used over a long period of time. However, women who smoke or have a history of blood clots, may want to consider a different treatment alternative.
Tip: Raw potato can heal those nasty white-heads, slice a potato just a lilttle and rub it on the white-head, leave on for 15 mins for it to work and then rinse off with warm water.
Acne spots can be a big problem. The application of lemon/lime can exfoliate skin quite well, stopping acne spots right in their tracks. For active acne spots, you can use some that would need to be applied directly to them. For this one could use tea tree oil. There are diluted versions that can be applied over the entire face. This gives you a general idea of certain things you could use to help acne naturally.
tags: reducing acne redness, klaron lotion acne, what causes acne on my back

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