Monday, August 4, 2008

Does facial treatment for acne work and acne after my period

The laser acne treatment has been found to produce more positive results than most any topical over the counter acne medication to date. Doctors have reported that taking just one treatment has reduced acne severity by more than half in their patients and the acne continues to improve over a series of three to four monthly treatments. Studies have shown that patients can achieve clearance of acne lesions in the 95% and over range.
People who have the skin disease acne are always on the look out for some natural cures. The main reason for this is because generally natural cures carry on side effects unlike some prescribed over-the-counter drug product. There are many aspects that need to be taken into consideration when curing cystic acne with natural cures.
Make sure the makeup you are using is oil free. When you apply oil based products to your skin they can seep into the pores and cause them to clog resulting in more acne. Try to find products that are water based. Just simply look at the concealer, blush, or whatever makeup product you are thinking about purchasing and read the ingredient section. Most products say if they are oil or water based so this shouldn't be a huge issue. If you not sure just put it back on the shelf. It's not worth your face.
tags: is there a link between acne and hormonal imbalance, home remedies for acne redness, homemade medicine on how to rid of acne

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